
My research is interdisciplinary and focuses on the evolution of markets and industries with a specific focus on the role that categorization dynamics play in this process.  Some of my work is also focused on how technology shapes the way that we work. 

Ha Grodal and Zuckerman 2024 Inauthenticity from Appropriating Legitimacy.pdf

Your Ancestors Worked Hard for This Legitimacy!

Ha, J., Grodal, S. and Zuckerman, E.. 2023. "Your Ancestors Worked Hard for this Legitimacy!: Theory and Experiment on the Inauthenticity of Second Movers," forthcoming Organization Science

Chang-Zunino and Grodal 2024 Junkies Queers and Babies.pdf

Category Updating and Persistence During the Early AIDS Epidemic (1978-1985)

Chang-Zunino, M.. and Grodal, S. 2023. "Junkies, Queers and BabiesÆ Category Updating and Persistence During the Early AIDS Epidemic (1978-1985), forthcoming Administrative Science Quarterly

Kang and Grodal 2024 Optimal Distinctiveness.pdf

How Optimal Distinctiveness Shapes Platform Complementors' Adoption of Platform Owner's Offerings

Kang, H.Y. and Grodal, S. "How Optimal Distinctiveness Shapes Platform Complementors' Adoption of Platform Owner's Offerings," forthcoming Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal 

Krabbe and Grodal 2023 The Aesthetic Evolution of Product Categories.pdf

The Aestehtic Evolution of Prouct Categories 

Krabbe, A. D. and Grodal, S. 2023. "The Aesthetic Evolution of Product Categories", forthcoming Administrative Science Quarterly

Evolution of Technology_with_author_info.pdf

The Evolution of Technology

Grodal, S., Krabbe, A. D. and Chang, M. 2023. "The evolution of technology", forthcoming Academy of Management Annals

Grodal Anteby Holm 2021 Achieving Rigor in Qualitative Analysis.pdf

Achieving Rigor in Qualitative Analysis

Grodal, S., Anteby, M and Holm, A. 2021. Achieving rigor in qualitative analysis: The role of active categorization in theory building, Academy of Management Review, 46(3): 591-612

Hsu and Grodal 2021 The Double-Edged Sword (ASQ) .pdf

The Double-edged Sword of Oppositional Category Positioning 

Hsu, G. and Grodal, S.  2021 The double-edged sword of oppositional category positioning: A study of the U.S. e-cigarette category, 2007-2017, Administrative Science Quarterly, 66(1): 86–132

Zunino Grodal Suarez 2020 Novelty and Familiarity (IESE insight).pdf

Mix Novelty and Familiarity to Move from Niche to Mainstream 

Zunino, D, Grodal, S., Suarez, F.F. 2020 Mix novelty and familiarity to move from niche to mainstream, IESE Insight, 157: 68-75.

Lounsbury et al. 2019 Culture innovation and entrepreneurship.pdf

Culture, Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Lounsbury, M., Cornelissen, J., Granqvist, N., and Grodal, S. 2019. Culture, innovation and entrepreneurship, Innovation: Organization & Management, 21(1): 1-12.

Zunino Suarez Grodal 2019 Familiarity Creativity of Category Labels (Org Sci).pdf

Familiarity, Creativity and the Adoption of Category Labels in Technology Industries

Zunino, D., Suarez, F., and Grodal, S. 2019. Familiarity, creativity and the adoption of category labels in technology industries, Organization Science, 30(1): 169-190

Field Expansion and Contraction

Grodal, S.  2018. Field expansion and contraction: How communities shape social and symbolic boundaries, Administrative Science Quarterly, 13(4): 783–818.

Grodal and O'Mahony 2017 How does a grand challenge become displaced?.pdf

How Does a Grand Challenge Become Displaced?

Grodal, S. and O’Mahony, S. 2017. How does a grand challenge become displaced? Explaining the duality of field mobilization, Academy of Management Journal, 2017, 60(5): 1801–1827.

Grodal and Kahl 2017 The discursive perspective of market categorization.pdf

The Discursive Perspective of Market Categorization

Grodal, S. and Kahl, S. 2017. The discursive perspective of market categorization: Interaction, power, and context. In: Research in the Sociology of Organizations, issue in: "From categories to categorization: Studies in sociology, organizations and strategy at the crossroads," edited by Durand, R., Granqvist, N. And Tyllström, 51: 151-184.

Grodal Gotsopoulos Suarez 2015 Coevolution of Technologies and Categories.pdf

The Co-evolution of Technologies and Categories during Industry Emergence

Grodal, S., Gotsopoulos, A. and Suarez, F.F. 2015. The Co-evolution of technologies and categories during industry emergence, Academy of Management Review, 40(3): 423–445 

Hsu and Grodal 2015 Taken-for-grantedness as a Stratgic Opportunity.pdf

Category Taken-for-grantedness as a Strategic Opportunity

Hsu, G. and Grodal, S. 2015. Category taken-for-grantedness as a strategic opportunity: The case of light cigarettes, 1964-1993, American Sociological Review, 80(1): 28-62

Grodal Nelson Siino 2015 Help-seeking and Help-giving.pdf

Help-seeking and Help-giving as an Organizational Routine

Grodal, S., Nelson, A., and Siino, R. 2015. Help-seeking and help-giving as an organizational routine: Creating engagement in innovative work, Academy of Management Journal, 58(1): 136-169

Suarez Grodal Gotsopoulos 2015 Perfect Timing.pdf

Perfect Timing?

Suarez, F.S, Grodal, S. and Gotsopoulos, A. 2015. Perfect timing?: Dominant category, dominant design and the window of opportunity for firm entry, Strategic Management Journal , 36(3): 437–448 

Grodal Thoma 2014 Cross-pollination.pdf

Cross-pollination in Science and Technology

Grodal, S. and Thoma, G. 2014. Cross-pollination in science and technology: Concept mobility in nanobiotechnology, Annals of Economics and Statistics, 57-81: 57-80

Suarez and Grodal 2015 Mastering the Product Category (SMR).pdf

Mastering the “Name Your Product Category” Game

Suarez, F.S. and Grodal, S. 2015. Mastering the “Name Your Product Category” game, MIT Sloan Management Review, 56(2): 23-29 

Granqvist Grodal Woolley 2013 Hedging Your Bets.pdf

Hedging Your Bets

Granqvist, N., Grodal, S. and Woolley, J. 2013. Hedging your bets: Explaining executives’ market labeling strategies in nanotechnology, Organization Science, 24(2): 395-413 

Barley Meyerson and Grodal 2011 Email as a Source and Symbol of Stress.pdf

Email as a Source and Symbol of Stress

Barley, S., Meyerson, D., and Grodal, S. 2011. Email as a source and symbol of stress. Organization Science, 22(4): 887–906

Nordfors et al. 2015 Innovation Journalism.pdf

Innovation Journalism

D.Nordfors, M. Ventresca, A. Hargadon, T. Uskali, A. Ainamo, S. Jonsson, S. Grodal, A. Weinstein, M. Kennedy, P. Svensson, F. Reid. 2006. Innovation journalism: Towards research on the interplay of journalism in innovation ecosystems, Innovation Journalism 3(2): 1-9 

Castellacci et al 2005 Advances and Challenges in Innovation Studies.pdf

Advances and Challenges in Innovation Studies

Castellacci, F., Grodal, S., Mendoca, S., and Wibe, M. 2005. Advances and challenges in innovation studies, Journal of Economic Issues, 39(1): 91–121