I am deeply committed to qualitative methods and to increasing the rigor of qualitative methods in organization theory. Below you will find some of my contributions to qualitative methods.
Achieving Rigor in Qualitative Analysis
Grodal, S., Anteby, M and Holm, A. 2021. Achieving rigor in qualitative analysis: The role of active categorization in theory building, Academy of Management Review, 46(3): 591-612
Multi-level Discourse Analysis
Kahl, S. and Grodal, S. 2016. Discursive strategies and radical technological change: Multilevel discourse analysis of the early computer (1947-1958), Strategic Management Journal, 37(1): 149-166
Multi-level Discourse Analysis (simplified)
Kahl, S. and Grodal, S. 2015. Multi-level discourse analysis: A structured approach to analyzing longitudinal data, In Doing Innovative Qualitative Research in Organizations: Paths to Cool Ideas and Interesting Papers, edited by K. D. Elsbach and R. M. Kramer, Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group, Organizations and Management Series.